Supportive tools for your journey

Try out Oneself, an online resource to support the wellbeing of LGBTQ+ young people and youth questioning their sexuality or gender. Adults interested in helping LGBTQ+ youth can use it too. The techniques and strategies used in Oneself are based on real-world research and have been created with LGBTQ+ young people, as well as health and wellbeing experts.

Check out this clip LGBTQ+ youth & artists

made about pronouns & why they matter.

Oneself is a FREE resource! So you can explore all the artwork, video clips and other content that was created together with LGBTQ+ young people.

Meet the people who share their experiences


Hi I'm Georgie

“Look after yourself and your safety.”

Georgie, also known as Triple Minor, uses they/she/he pronouns and is trans non-binary. Georgie wanted to contribute to Oneself because they were keen to be the much-needed representation which is often lacking within our LGBTQ+ communities.

“Try to use the spaces that are built for you; instead of finding yourself in adult spaces, connect with the right people, age groups and life stage." - Georgie

Challenging situations can make life tough for LGBTQ+ young people. Here are some challenging situations young people have told us about. Click on these topics to find out more and to hear about what can make a positive difference.

Based on real-world research, created with

LGBTQ+ young people & wellbeing experts.

LGBTQ+ youth have stressed the importance of their parents and families telling them they are loved.